The best thing about working here is that you get to know all kinds of interesting people. I managed to land myself a job in sales, and when you change industries as much as we do, that means you touch base with practically every industry in Melbourne. Seriously, just name a field. I’ve probably had a business meeting with someone from there.
Oh, it’s probably bad for the company overall. I have contingency plans for my family and such, but…for now, it works. Everything is fresh and new, every day! Oh, and I also thrive on chaos. There’s enough of that on both the business side AND the interpersonal stuff. People here are SO angry. It’s great!
Okay, so, take last week. Suddenly, we’re partnering with podiatry clinics and we’ll be working to promote children’s and custom orthotics. Perfect, because Casey just started with the netball, and the other mothers have told me all these horror stories about what that does to your knees and feet. Thing is, there’s no stopping Casey once she finds something she loves, so the best orthotics money can buy are the next best option. Also, knee braces. i can’t stop Casey from playing netball, and honestly, I’m really glad she’s going to be meeting girls her age. But I can engage my overprotective mum-mode and give her some foot protection!
I was able to chat to the podiatrist and get some great advice. There are children’s orthotics in Cheltenham that suit our needs, so that’s where we’ll be headed. Managed to get pretty much the entire scoop on which ones to buy, which are great for netball and whatever else. And all because of my amazing business connections that probably shouldn’t exist.
Yeah, this company isn’t really going to last much longer, not with things the way they are. But I have my contingency, savings, advice, experts and now, some quality custom arch support insoles. Got all I need!
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